Work Plan 2022 of the German-Mexican QI Dialogue signed


The 4th Annual Meeting of the German-Mexican Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure took place on 16 November. It was part of a delegation visit by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) between 15 and 19 November. More than 70 representatives from the public and private sector as well as experts from quality infrastructure (QI) institutions attended the meeting.

Jesús Cantú (SE) and Stefan Schnorr (BMWi) signed the Work Plan for 2022
Jesús Cantú (SE) and Stefan Schnorr (BMWi) signed the Work Plan for 2022. © GIZ-GPQI/Héctor Ríos

The participants presented the progress made in the project lines (PL) under the Work Plan 2021. They also reaffirmed cooperation on a wide range of topics such as electronic medical devices, rail transport, electromobility, cybersecurity and Industrie 4.0.


Jesús Cantú, Head of Unit for Standards, Competitiveness and Competition of the Mexican Ministry of Economy (SE), and Stefan Schnorr, Director General for Digital and Innovation Policy at BMWi, presided the Annual Meeting. Several high-level representatives from BMWi and from the General Bureau of Technical Regulation and Standardisation (DGN) of SE attended the meeting.


Representatives from the public and private sector as well as experts from QI institutions attended the meeting
Representatives from the public and private sector as well as experts from QI institutions attended the meeting. © GIZ-GPQI/Héctor Ríos

Recognising the trustful QI cooperation between Germany and Mexico

In their opening statements, both sides congratulated the progress made in the various project lines during this year. They underlined the importance of the dialogue platform for bilateral cooperation. It helps to facilitate the integration of companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), into global value chains, by harmonising international standards. Mr Cantú also mentioned that Mexico is currently developing an ordinance that will support the implementation of the Quality Infrastructure Law which came into force in August 2020. In this context, he highlighted the opportunity the bilateral dialogue brings to analyse and adapt the QI system, based on the national needs, to enhance the participation of all sectors and improve the quality of life.


Mr Guati Rojo (SE) highlighted the positive impact of the Mexican-German dialogue on QI
Alfonso Guati Rojo (SE) highlighted the positive impact of the Mexican-German dialogue on QI. © GIZ-GPQI/Héctor Ríos

Strong partnerships along each project line

During the meeting, the participants discussed a wide range of cooperation topics which are clustered in project lines. Cross-sectoral areas such as digitalisation, cybersecurity, and circular economy play an increasingly important role. As standardisation can be used to address these issues, Alfonso Guati Rojo (SE) and Dr Thomas Zielke (BMWi) agreed to expand cooperation on standardisation policy and strategy. Mr Guati Rojo expressed that the knowledge exchange between both countries has greatly supported the development of the Mexican Quality Infrastructure Law. Dr Zielke informed that the European Union has initiated the development of a national standardisation roadmap for circular economy, which could later be shared with Mexican partners.


The bilateral QI dialogue also continues to be active in the field of electromobility. Alejandro Saniger (Bosch), Juan Carlos Rivera (SE) and Oscar Ruiz (Daimler) commented on the progress made in this project line. Experts from the private sector and QI institutions from both countries have finalised the first draft of a whitepaper on charging infrastructure, battery safety and disposal. It includes concrete recommendations for the Mexican authorities to implement internationally harmonised standards in electromobility.


Mexico has one of the highest accident rates in the world. David Camacho (ARTF) emphasised the need for stricter technical regulation in rail transport. To address this issue, GPQI organised workshops on rail infrastructure and rolling stock this year. According to Sandra Álamo (TÜV Rheinland), they were an important step for raising awareness on safety issues in Germany and Mexico. Participants from both countries were also able to share best practices.


Boris Böhme spoke about recent developments and challenges in market surveillance
Boris Böhme spoke about recent developments and challenges in market surveillance. © GIZ-GPQI/Héctor Ríos

Regarding market surveillance, Boris Böhme (BMWi) pointed out that the recently adopted Market Surveillance Act in the EU is a starting point for further international cooperation. He also mentioned that the increase in online trade raises new issues in terms of product surveillance and conformity. Mr Guati Rojo described this project line as one of the most important for Mexico, due to the recent legislative changes.


Regarding machinery safety and pressure equipment, Hermann Wegner of the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) mentioned the expert group’s joint contribution to the new regulation on machinery safety. He stressed the need to create uniform regulatory requirements and recognise foreign certificates so that technical barriers to trade of machinery and pressure equipment can be reduced.


Guadalupe Vázquez (Siemens Mexico) informed about the development of a roadmap on internationally harmonised standards
Guadalupe Vázquez (Siemens Mexico) informed about the development of a roadmap on internationally harmonised standards. © GIZ-GPQI/Héctor Ríos

Within the project line of cybersecurity, Guadalupe Vázquez (Siemens Mexico) explained that a multidisciplinary team is developing a roadmap for the adoption of internationally harmonised standards.


Andreas Faath (VDMA) reported that VDMA, Siemens and Bosch jointly held a panel discussion at the trade fair Industrial Transformation Mexico (ITM) which was moderated by GPQI. The advantages and possibilities of a Global Production Language were discussed.


To conclude the Annual Meeting, both sides once again emphasised the success of the QI dialogue. Mr Schnorr reiterated how important the German-Mexican cooperation is for adapting to new challenges of our time. The dialogue paves the way to tackle future issues, such as digital QI.


Strengthening the bilateral dialogue

During the visit of the BMWi delegation, various meetings with representatives from SE and the private sector took place. One outstanding event was the workshop Metrology: a basis for comparability and cooperation on 17 November at the National Metrology Institute of Mexico (CENAM) in Querétaro.


On 18 November, SE and BMWi jointly hosted a workshop on technical regulation, standardisation and market surveillance with members of the National Commission for Quality Infrastructure. The participants discussed current challenges in the three QI pillars. This event was of special relevance given that Mexico is currently in the process of drafting the ordinance for the Quality Infrastructure Law. Additionally, sector meetings were held with representatives of German companies located in Mexico to address current and new topics of interest.


If your company is active in the above-mentioned areas and you are interested in participating in the bilateral QI Dialogue, please get in touch with us.


The signed Work Plan for 2022 was the result of the 4th Annual Meeting of the German-Mexican Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure
The signed Work Plan for 2022 was the result of the 4th Annual Meeting of the German-Mexican Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure. © GIZ-GPQI/Héctor Ríos

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