Stakeholders identify topics for Annual Meetings of the Working Groups PS and ACA


To identify the topics of interest to the members of the Working Group Product Safety (WG PS) and Accreditation and Conformity Assessment (WG ACA), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie - BMWi) welcomed more than 50 stakeholders to a virtual preparatory meeting on 30 September.

Boris Böhme (BMWi) at the preparatory meeting of the WG PS and ACA. © BMWi

The aim of the meeting was to identify key topics to be discussed at the Annual Meetings of the WG PS and WG ACA. The results generated by representatives of German companies, associations, market surveillance authorities, conformity assessment bodies and the BMWi are the working basis for the for the cooperation year 2021/2022.


Introductory remarks were made by representatives of BMWi and GPQI. Participants then presented their views on developments in product safety and conformity assessment in China and Germany. The group was subsequently divided into smaller teams. These focused on specific topics that matched their expertise.


There, the stakeholders discussed topics such as circular economy, explosion-proof product certification, e-commerce, and automotive safety. The results are guiding for the commission.


Information on the upcoming Annual Meetings

Chaired by BMWi and the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (CNCA/SAMR), the Annual Meeting of WG ACA will be held on 23 November.


The Annual Meeting of the WG PS will most likely take place in December. It is chaired by BMWi and the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR).


For further information, please contact Liu Nan.

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