Sino-German Standardisation Cooperation Commission holds 9th Plenary Meeting


The Sino-German Standardisation Cooperation Commission (SGSCC) met virtually on 2 November 2021 for its annual Plenary Meeting. The respective forums and sub-working groups presented their results. The participants identified current and future thematic priorities for the Sino-German standardisation cooperation at international level.

Introductory remarks by Dr Thomas Zielke (BMWi)
Introductory remarks by Dr Thomas Zielke (BMWi) © GIZ-GPQI

The meeting hosted 120 representatives of the two governments, national standardisation bodies, research institutes, technical organisations, industry associations and companies.


The German delegation was headed by Dr Thomas Zielke, Head of Division VI C 5 for National and International Standardisation and Patent Policy of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). Guo Chenguang, Deputy Director General of the Standards Innovative Department, State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) led the Chinese delegation.


The Plenary Meeting advanced the discussion on standardisation aspects relevant to both China and Germany. The participants defined concrete steps to deepen German-Chinese cooperation in the future.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held in a virtual format. It was the first Plenary Meeting since the last physical meeting in May 2019 in Xiamen, China.


Experts agree to further strengthen the Sino-German cooperation

The participating experts presented new developments and discussed thematic focal points. The Sub-Working Group (SWG) Industrie 4.0/Intelligent Manufacturing celebrated the publication of a new joint paper on Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN). Experts then presented topics such as data spaces in Industrie 4.0 and the maturity model of Intelligent Manufacturing capability as potential future topics for the Sino-German cooperation.


Both Chinese and German experts wish to further improve cooperation in the technical expert groups by addressing interlinkages among their key topics. Based on the success of the technical cooperation, they agreed to strengthen their joint efforts in international technical committees and working groups.


Agreement on joint thematic priorities

The SWG Electromobility agreed to advance the management and distribution of relevant information and to intensify the cooperation regarding international standardisation activities. The SWG wants to support the initiation of bilateral collaborations by arranging dedicated workshops.


Cooperation and exchange of information on the Megawatt Charging System (MCS) for heavy-duty vehicles will be promoted in a newly established temporary working group. Load dump (GB/T 18487.1 and ISO 21498), pre-delivery inspection (GB/T 18488 - test time and test voltage level) as well as environmental conditions are also thematic priorities for the cooperation.


Lastly, the new SWG Intelligent Connected Vehicles (ICV) was established under the framework of the SGSCC. Egbert Fritzsche of VDA/NA Automobile and Zhao Wang of CATARC were elected as co-chairs. Both sides agreed on the scope, objectives, the working mechanism and the work plan with specific projects for the SWG.


We thank all participants for the fruitful dialogue and look forward to a continued cooperation in the future.


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