Modi and Merkel reaffirm commitment to Indo-German cooperation on Quality Infrastructure


At the invitation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited India from 31 October to 1 November 2019 for the 5th Indo-German Inter-Governmental Consultations. Chancellor Merkel was accompanied by the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Minister of Education and Research, the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, as well as further delegates and industry representatives.

Source: Spokesperson of the German Federal Government Mr Steffen Seibert (via

At the invitation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited India from 31 October to 1 November 2019 for the 5th Indo-German Inter-Governmental Consultations. Chancellor Merkel was accompanied by the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Minister of Education and Research, the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, as well as further delegates and industry representatives.


Both sides confirmed that the Indo-German Strategic Partnership is based on the common values and principles of democracy, free and fair trade, a rule-based international order as well as mutual trust and respect. Among key topics of the discussions were the promotion of digital transformation, especially regarding artificial intelligence, and the shaping of sustainable economic growth.


Both sides expressed their appreciation for the close cooperation within the Indo-German Working Group on Quality Infrastructure. The two governments reaffirmed their commitment to bilateral technical and economic cooperation.


In the area of Industry 4.0, both sides agreed on a collaboration between the German Platform Industry 4.0 and the emerging Smart Manufacturing Platform of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). The aim is to establish a close exchange of information on topics such as standardisation, IT security, testbeds and use cases. This cooperation can build on the established collaboration between India and Germany on standards for Industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IoT), and cybersecurity within the framework of the Indo-German Working Group on Quality Infrastructure.


India and Germany cooperate within the Indo-German Working Group on Quality Infrastructure between the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Indian Ministry for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution. The Working Group has the goal to reduce technical barriers to trade and strengthen product safety through a political and technical dialogue of relevant ministries and regulators. GIZ – the German Agency for International Cooperation – has been commissioned by BMWi to support the implementation of the activities of the Working Group.


Please find further information on the website of the German Federal Government (in German).

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