Indonesia und Germany seek to establish QI-Dialogue


Following an initial round of talks in summer 2019, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) held further consultations with the Indonesian Ministry of Industry as well as the Ministry of Trade in Jakarta this January. Both sides agreed to seek to establish a German-Indonesian Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure.

Following an initial round of talks in summer 2019, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) held further consultations with the Indonesian Ministry of Industry as well as the Ministry of Trade in Jakarta this January. Both sides agreed to seek to establish a German-Indonesian Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure.

After Brazil, China, India and Mexico, Indonesia will be the fifth partner country of the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI).


This was preceded by a demand and feasibility assessment with technical experts and industry, the results of which underlined the strategic relevance of Indonesia as the largest single market and growth engine in the ASEAN region. Indonesia is also becoming increasingly important as a manufacturing location for the German industry.


Vice versa, Germany is Indonesia’s largest trading partner in Europe. The QI dialogue between both countries is intended to further strengthen trade relations by aligning technical regulations and product requirements in standardization, accreditation, conformity assessment and market surveillance.


Next to market access related regulation, the dialogue will also look ahead and address future topics such as innovation and digitalisation of the economy. While the German government just published its Artificial Intelligence Strategy and is known for its concept of Industrie 4.0, Indonesia has outlined its strategic ambitions in "Making Indonesia 4.0”.

The German business community has been closely involved (e.g. via the industry associations, the German Asia-Pacific Business Association and the Chamber of Commerce).


The talks shall continue in July in the context of this year's Hanover Fair, where Indonesia will receive attention as official partner country to the fair. As is already established practice in other partner countries, the dialogue shall convene regularly in a bilateral QI Working Group and will be open to experts of authorities and industries alike. A first ordinary meeting of the Working Group is planned for July. A joint declaration of intent by both governments is being aligned simultaneously.

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