German-Indonesian exchange on electromobility


An accelerated penetration of the electromobility market is only possible if the vehicles and the charging infrastructure are safe and reliable. International standards can enhance product safety and user acceptance. They are also an important requirement to compete in the global market.

Charging of an electric car. © husjur02 / Shutterstock

On 24 May 2022, a group of experts from the German and Indonesian standardisation bodies, associations and private sector met to discuss the role of quality infrastructure (QI) in the successful development of electromobility. The event was opened by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) as well as the Indonesian Ministry of Industry (MoI).


Electromobility plays an important role in climate protection

Jens Brinckmann, Senior Policy Advisor at BMWK, highlighted the central role of electromobility in the German automotive sector. Germany has ambitious goals for its transport infrastructure and energy sector. One of those goals is to put 15 million electric vehicles on the roads by 2030. This is in line with the country's transition to climate neutrality, which is targeted to be achieved by 2045.


Combatting climate change and global warming is also a main driver of the Indonesian government in the development of electromobility. The Director of Maritime, Transportation Equipment and Defense Equipment Industry of the Indonesian MoI, Hendro Martono, called climate change a global challenge that needs to be solved together. Apart from the economic appraisals, the electromobility sector will greatly contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions.


While Germany is technologically advanced in the field of electromobility, Indonesia has abundant primary raw materials needed for the battery industry and electric vehicles. Both countries have their strategic roles in shaping the future of sustainable mobility.


Electromobility standards in Germany and Indonesia

Representing the national standardisation bodies of their respective countries, Mario Beier (DIN – Deutsches Institut für Normung) and Yustinus Kristianto Widiwardono (BSN – Badan Standardisasi Nasional) presented an overview of the current developments of electromobility standardisation in Germany and Indonesia. They stressed the importance of technical regulations and international standards in ensuring the safety and performance of electric vehicles as well as of the battery and charging facilities.


Involved in the discussion were experts from the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA – Verband der Automobilindustrie), Conformity Assessment Bodies (TÜV Rheinland and TÜV Süd), the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA – Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau), the German Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AHK/EKONID) and companies with a presence in Germany and Indonesia such as BMW, Bosch, Mercedes Benz and Siemens.


In the two-hour online event, the experts discussed the regulatory frameworks on electromobility that would affect their business. They were especially keen to explore the blueprints of an electromobility road map in Indonesia, relevant standards, the prevailing battery swap system, as well as the regulations for establishing battery manufacture. In this regard, the government of Indonesia has established strategies, incentives, regulations and goals through various ministries and bodies that support the investment ecosystem and greener roads in the future.


Jointly working towards internationally harmonised standards

The recognition of international standards is key to accelerate the mass use of electric vehicles. It is expected that a roadmap for the implementation of Indonesian standards and technical regulations and their harmonisation with international standards can be developed together. The expert group will serve as a platform for its members to exchange information on the current developments of electromobility in both countries. The goal is to have a common understanding of each other’s needs and to promote participation and collaboration in the global market of electromobility.

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