German-Brazilian Working Group on Quality Infrastructure adopts work plan


The stakeholders of the German-Brazilian Working Group on Quality Infrastructure (QI) continue to support the harmonisation of international quality infrastructures. During the Annual Meeting of 2021, the representatives of the working group along with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie – BMWi) signed the work plan for 2021-2022.

Screenshot of Geanluca Lorenzon (ME), Marcos Heleno (Inmetro) and Stefan Schnorr (BMWi) signing the work plan for 2021-2022.
From left to right: Geanluca Lorenzon (ME), Marcos Heleno (Inmetro) and Stefan Schnorr (BMWi), signing the 2021-2022 work plan. © GIZ-GPQI

On 14 October 2021, BMWi and the Brazilian Ministry of Economy (Ministério da Economia - ME) virtually hosted the fourth Annual Meeting of the Brazilian-German Working Group on QI.


Based on topics suggested by companies and QI institutions from Brazil and Germany, both ministries and Brazil’s National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia - Inmetro) aligned their cooperation in the fields of standardisation, conformity assessment, accreditation, product safety and market surveillance. At the meeting, the work plan 2021-2022 was signed. This sets out the objectives for the German-Brazilian cooperation for the coming year.


GPQI stakeholders and partners shared best regulatory practices and framework conditions for standardisation in the development phase. In addition, the interoperability and security of industrial networks, risk assessment methods, digital health and general cooperation on regulatory challenges were discussed.


The German-Brazilian partnership on QI grows substantially

The conference was co-chaired by Stefan Schnorr, Director-General for Digital and Innovation Policy (BMWi), Geanluca Lorenzon, Secretary for Competition Advocacy and Competitiveness (ME), and Marcos Heleno de Oliveira Jr, President Inmetro. The meeting was also attended by the President of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), Mario William Esper.


Geanluca Lorenzon stated that an efficient QI is essential. It enables fair trade and competitiveness. A common understanding of QI is a prerequisite for integration into global value chains. Lorenzon emphasised that GPQI is supporting Brazil on the way to internationally harmonised structures. He thanked the present stakeholders for contributing relevant topics, suggestions and insights on the different fields of cooperation.


Marcos Heleno de Oliveira underlined Inmetro’s effort to maintain the dialogue with the productive sector. He pointed out that the development of a QI policy in Brazil should not be postponed.


Stefan Schnorr thanked both Inmetro and ME. He highlighted the importance of innovation in relation to QI. For this reason, both innovation and QI must be constantly developed further.


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