Brazil: Expert Group supports revision of technical regulations of Inmetro


GPQI supports an ongoing initiative that gathers experts working on regulations in the electrotechnical field through Brazil’s National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro).

White and blue cables at the back of an Internet Server Rack
© Pexels

As part of the Work Plan 2020-2021 of the German-Brazilian Working Group Quality Infrastructure, GPQI has been engaging with the adoption of good regulatory practices by Inmetro – the National Institute for Metrology, Quality and Technology.
Since February 2021, GPQI has been activating a group of over 60 interested experts from the private sector and conformity assessment bodies (CABs). Together, they support the revision and consolidation of 43 technical regulations covering twelve electrotechnical products regulated by Inmetro. The initiative focuses on electrotechnical products, ranging from cables, cords and wires, to equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres.


The simplification of Inmetro’s regulations is required by the Brazilian Economic Freedom Act and Decree 10.139/2019. While maintaining existing product requirements, texts are to be reduced and updated after checking for ambiguities and duplications. The final draft of the regulations is expected to be published in August 2021.


If you are interested in learning more about this initiative, please contact GPQI Brazil.


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