BMWK monthly report features GPQI


The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) has published its monthly report for March 2022 “Schlaglichter der Wirtschaftspolitk". This time, the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI) is in the focus. The article “Dialogues for innovation and trade - common rules and standards in product safety promote international trade" highlights the activities and the importance of GPQI in detail.

The illustrations show the different QI elements.
The illustrations represent the different QI elements. © Orlando Hoetzel / BMWK

The extensive article in the ministry’s monthly report underlines the importance of quality infrastructure (QI) for product safety and consumer protection. Graphic illustrations of all QI elements complement the text. The QI system consists of standardisation, conformity assessment, accreditation, metrology as well as market surveillance and product safety.


Within GPQI, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action engages in bilateral dialogues with important trading partners, such as Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and Mexico. The article emphasises GPQI’s central role in the global context: It shows how these technical policy dialogues promote innovation and trade. Moreover, it highlights how harmonised regulations and standards improve the safety of products worldwide.


Cross-border cooperation is essential for QI to function.
Cross-border cooperation is essential for QI to function. © Orlando Hoetzel / BMWK

QI: An essential building block of the EU single market

A harmonised QI system is of great importance for the internal market of the European Union. Common norms and standards ensure that consumers can rely on the safety and quality of products. GPQI is working towards the international harmonisation of quality infrastructures. The article in BMWK’s monthly report draws particular attention to this aspect.


Furthermore, it provides an introduction to the publication “United in Quality and Safety”. This publication presents the QI system in Germany and the EU. It is aimed at political decision-makers and trading partners. It was developed by BMWK in cooperation with German QI institutions and GPQI. During a two-day event in October, it was presented to a broad audience.


QI is an important pillar of innovation policy

The article emphasises the connection between quality infrastructure and innovation policy. The QI system drives innovation by helping to operationalise the ecological footprint of products. As a dialogue and cooperation platform, GPQI promotes the international exchange of expertise. It contributes to translating scientific developments and innovations into rules and processes. The role of the QI system in the digital and ecological transformation of the economy is particularly highlighted in the article.


In addition, the core elements of quality infrastructure are explained in an understandable and detailed manner. This way, both experts and readers without specific prior knowledge gain a comprehensive insight into the QI system and into GPQI’s activities.


The extensive article “Dialogues for innovation and trade – common rules and standards in product safety promote international trade” (from page 12, in German) as well as the entire report for the month of March can be found on the website of BMWK.

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