A global language for industrial communication


Brazilian and German experts for Industrie 4.0 exchange ideas on the OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) communication standard. Open interface standards are crucial for the successful introduction of Industrie 4.0 in production.

In a laboratory samples are transported to the analyser.
In a laboratory, samples are transported to the analyser. © Testalize Me/Unsplash

The German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau - VDMA) and GPQI address the importance of a common, cross-sector language between machinery and plants. As an open interface standard, OPC UA (Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture) is a central prerequisite for the successful introduction of Industrie 4.0 into manufacturing. Experts for Industrie 4.0, Andreas Faath, Head of Industrial Interoperability, VDMA and Dr Harald Weber, OPC UA Expert for Plastics and Rubber Machinery, VDMA, spoke with stakeholders from the Brazilian manufacturing sector. The presentations focused on benefits and applications of OPC UA Companion Specifications. The virtual session was organised by the Brazilian-German Working Group on Quality Infrastructure of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie - BMWi) and the Brazilian Ministry of Economy (Ministério da Economia - ME). It took place on 22 July 2021.


Platform-independent, interoperable and secure communication for all machinery

As an open interface standard, OPC UA is a central requirement for successful introduction of Industrie 4.0 in manufacturing. OPC UA Companion Specifications enable smooth Industrie 4.0 communication – both between machinery and between machinery and other systems. OCP UA Companion Specifications define the form in which machinery provides certain information. This makes it much easier to integrate them into an existing production system and to configure them. OPC UA ensures interoperability of machinery and systems and enables efficient automated production systems. VDMA supports manufacturers in the development of industry specific OPC UA Companion Specifications. The aim is to promote a global language of production.


Driving innovation through standards

Standards for machine communication are important for Brazilian industry. Brazilian companies are striving to digitise their facilities. The lack of awareness of the free availability of open standards often leads to increased costs for the further expansion of networks and the use of the collected data, for example for the application of machine learning.


GPQI and VDMA promote visibility of open standards

GPQI and VDMA established a working group in March 2021. In the action plan for the second half of 2021, they have agreed to increase the visibility of open standards and interoperability in Industrie 4.0. The group consists of representatives from machine manufacturers, system integrators, plant operators and applied research institutes.

For more details, please contact the GPQI team.

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