Workshop of the SWG Safety in the Automotive Industry on the topic “risk management and recall procedures”


The workshop on “Recall Procedures and Risk Management” of the Sino-German Sub-Working Group (SWG) on Product Safety in the Automotive Industry took place on the 11th of April 2017 within the framework of the Sino-German Working Group on Product Safety.

The workshop on “Recall Procedures and Risk Management” of the Sino-German Sub-Working Group (SWG) on Product Safety in the Automotive Industry took place on the 11th of April 2017 within the framework of the Sino-German Working Group on Product Safety. The aim of the workshop was to introduce and secure results of the conference year 2016/17 as well as plan 2017/18. Important topics included clarification of reporting obligations on recall process management between suppliers, OEMs and Chinese authorities as well as introduction of the risk warning – and quick response system on imported vehicles safety.


Overall participants talked very positively about the outcomes of the sub-working group, which included defining a working structure, developments regarding risk management and the potential defect information report obligation. Agreements for 2017/18 involved defective motor vehicle risk assessment and inconsequential non-compliance.

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