Sub-Working Groups of SGSCC help shape the future of mobility

On 26 October, more than 50 experts cleared the way for founding the SWG ICV. They agreed on a Work Plan which sets out the general scope, working principles and the thematic focus of the group. The new SWG will serve as a platform for bilateral exchange on standardisation research and developments in the ICV sector. German and Chinese experts will address divergent standards and work towards their harmonisation. The development of joint positions for standardisation work at international level is another purpose of the SWG.
SWG Intelligent Connected Vehicles is officially established
Experts and technical leads from Germany and China have done great preliminary work for the establishment of the SWG ICV. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the Chinese State Administration for Market Regulation and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology formally established the SWG during the Plenary Meeting of the SGSCC on 3 November 2021.
Egbert Fritzsche, Managing Director at DIN Standards Committee Automotive Technologies of the German Automotive Association and Zhao WANG from China Automotive Technology & Research Center were elected as technical co-chairs. They have a long-standing association and merit to ICV standardisation. Together, they will coordinate the work of the SWG from now on.
Sino-German cooperation in SWG Electromobility continues
During its 8th Annual Meeting, the SGW Electromobility took stock of the results achieved since the last Annual Meeting. The participants also agreed on topics for future cooperation. The SWG’s technical leads from DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) and China Electricity Council highlighted three virtual workshops which helped the experts to reach a shared understanding of Direct-Current (DC) charging technologies and electric vehicle safety.
At this year’s Annual Meeting, the participants built on the workshops’ results and agreed to establish a temporary working group for the Megawatt Charging System (MCS) for heavy-duty vehicles. The working group aims at creating a globally harmonised charging system for heavy-duty vehicles. This would increase interoperability and safety, reduce barriers to trade and promote sustainable forms of transport for people and goods.
Beside MCS, the SWG will discuss harmonisation approaches in the areas of load dump (GB/T 18487.1 and ISO 21498), pre-delivery inspection (GB/T 18488 - test time and test voltage level) and environmental conditions (IS0 16750) over the course of the next year.