Raising awareness for industrial security in Industrie 4.0


The first session of the workshop series “Industrial security in the context of digitalisation and Industrie 4.0” focused on the importance of industrial security standards. Experts gave an insight into the strategies of the German and Indonesian governments on security for Industrie 4.0. Representatives from the business community shared their perspectives on how industrial security should be implemented.

The participants of the workshop on industrial security for Industrie 4.0 met virtually. © GIZ-GPQI

More than 60 people from different sectors attended the workshop. High-level representatives from the private and public sectors of both countries shared their knowledge.


Christoph Mönnigmann from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie – BMWi) explained the importance of international standards in the field of Industrie 4.0. He emphasised that standardisation is an essential requirement to make Industrie 4.0 work on the national and international level. There are numerous bilateral standardisation cooperations for Industrie 4.0 which are coordinated by the Standardization Council Industrie 4.0. They aim to achieve a common understanding of Industrie 4.0 concepts at an early stage.


One of the key standardisation areas is industrial security. It enables a necessary resource for industrial transformation: trust. In a global and digital economy, it is important to be able to rely on international standards that are developed in industry-led and consensus-based processes. The IEC 62443 series of standards clearly defines requirements for industrial security


Industrial security standards reduce the risk of cyber-attacks

Christoph Mönnigmann, BMWi (left) and Heru Kustanto, MoI (right) shed light on the role of industrial security in Industrie 4.0 © GIZ-GPQI/Mönnigmann/Kustanto

Heru Kustanto from the Indonesian Ministry of Industry gave an overview of the status quo of industrial security in Indonesia and the planned developments in this area. He highlighted the acceleration and implementation of Industrie 4.0 in Indonesia. The government is working on an Industrie 4.0 Readiness Index (INDI 4.0) - an assessment based on five pillars, one of which is cyber security.


Kustanto emphasised the risks of cyber-attacks. According to him, standards are highly important as they can enhance cyber security in Industrie 4.0. For that, it is necessary to comply with laws and regulations and to implement security standards. He explained that the legal foundation is already fully in place in Indonesia, but there still is a need for technological support. He proposed that Germany and Indonesia cooperate to implement Industrie 4.0.


Matthias Springer from TÜV Nord presented a live simulation of a cyber-attack. He illustrated how small changes can make an essential difference for having a safe system. For example, a default password for connected machines is not changed 80 % of the time which makes them prone to cyber-attacks. Springer stressed that human skills need to be considered when enhancing industrial security


Business perspectives on security for Industrie 4.0

Afterwards, Dadang Yadi Cahya from the digital industries division of Siemens Indonesia and Ilham Akbar Habibie, Head of Research and Technology Agency from the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) presented the business perspectives on security standards for Industrie 4.0.


Habibie highlighted that Industrie 4.0 creates new business opportunities. However, there is still a lot to learn for all levels of management and professionals. He added that without security standards, we cannot achieve Industrie 4.0. The digitalisation of the industry must be safe and protected against digital fraud.


Cahya explained that the global loss related to cyber-crime reached up to 1 trillion US$ in 2020 and is expected to skyrocket to more than 6 trillion US$ in 2021. The increased integration of IT (information technology) and OT (operational technology) systems opens up opportunities for cyber-attacks. Implementing the IEC 62443 series of standards secures industrial automation and control systems. It can often prevent cyber-attacks. Cahya explained the multi-layer defense system that is based on the IEC 62443 standards: Each layer protects the other layer. This reduces the risk of an attack significantly.


Cooperation between governments and companies is essential for industrial security

The participants of the workshop agreed that the IEC 62443 standards play an important role for industrial security. They highlighted the need for cooperation between governments and the private sector to ensure industrial security. The GPQI team highlighted that it is looking for further activities within the framework of the German-Indonesian Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure to raise awareness of industrial security in Industrie 4.0 .


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