"Quality Rules in India" Issue Brief published by the Observer Research Foundation


India’s competitiveness in manufacturing and the success of ‘Make in India’ depend on its ability to produce high-quality products and services. Product quality is important for human health and consumer safety, as well as for protecting the climate and the environment.

India’s competitiveness in manufacturing and the success of ‘Make in India’ depend on its ability to produce high-quality products and services. Product quality is important for human health and consumer safety, as well as for protecting the climate and the environment. One way of ensuring that products and services meet certain standards is through technical regulations with mandatory compliance. However, technical regulations also have the potential to impede the cross-border flow of goods and services if they become barriers to trade. Until recently, India had few technical regulations, but it is now set to change this.


The ORF Issue Brief No. 245 by Philip Grinsted, Alok Kesari and Khushwant Singh, team members of the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI) India, analyses sectoral patterns and trends in India’s technical regulations by looking at mandatory certification schemes and notifications to the Technical Barriers to Trade Committee of the World Trade Organisation. Four measures are identified, which could support goals such as consumer protection while also improving India's competitiveness and its integration into international trade.


The issue brief was published by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in June 2018. ORF is a public policy think-tank that aims to influence formulation of policies for building a strong and prosperous India. It pursues these goals by providing informed and productive inputs, in-depth research, and stimulating discussions. The Foundation is supported in its mission by a cross-section of India’s leading public figures, academics, and business leaders.

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