Preparatory meeting: Experts define key topics for cooperation with Indonesia


German-Indonesian Quality Infrastructure Working Group initiates its first meeting and defines topics for cooperation.

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For the first time, representatives from German QI institutions, trade associations and industry met at the virtual preparatory meeting of the German-Indonesian Quality Infrastructure Working Group with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). During the meeting on 20 May 2021, more than 20 German and Indonesian business experts shared their perspectives on Indonesia's QI system. Together, they worked out key topics for cooperation. The results of the meeting will now be incorporated into the 2021 work plan. It is to be signed during the annual meeting this summer.


The stakeholders actively contributed to the meeting. They identified trade barriers and challenges they face in Indonesia. Key topics discussed included standardisation policy, testing and certification, Industrie 4.0 and cybersecurity. The participants expressed their determination to harmonise their QI systems together with their Indonesian partners. GPQI provides the platform for dialogue by bringing together all relevant stakeholders.


The annual meeting of the German-Indonesian Quality Infrastructure Working Group is planned for summer 2021. It will be another milestone in the bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Germany in the field of QI.


Find further information on GPQI in Indonesia.


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