Mexico streamlines customs procedures to promote exports and imports


Customs agents, importers and exporters benefit from modified trade information processes for exports and imports.

Source: Pexels

The Covid-19 pandemic has a significant impact on international trade. Countries all over the world are dealing with its effect on their economies.

In Mexico, the Ministry of Economy (Secretaría de Economía - SE) created a new mechanism to make Mexican exports and imports more agile. This way, they aim to overcome the difficulties caused by the pandemic and to encourage foreign trade. As part of the mechanism, the Mexican Tax Administration Service (SAT, by its acronym in Spanish) has modified trade information processes.

On 7 February, the Mexican General Customs Administration announced that it will streamline the recognition of goods subject to Mexican Technical Regulations (NOMs) in trade. Besides, it will release goods detained due to omitted or inaccurate labelling data.

During last year, customs authorities detained goods in fiscal warehouses under the terms of Article 158 of the Mexican Customs Law. It states that goods or means of transport could be detained in certain cases: if the document showing the payment made in the customs account was not presented or when the proof of conformity that the shipment complies with trade NOMs is not provided.

Due to the modification, goods will no longer be detained at the country’s entry and exit points during customs examination due to faults or non-compliance with labelling. Also, the provided period of 30 days to prove compliance with the corresponding NOM will be extended for the users.

These actions help customs clearance to streamline commercial processes, improve revenue collection, reduce tax evasion and prevent corruption.

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