Inmetro launches its regulatory model


Brazil’s National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) launched its regulatory model. It shapes a new regulatory framework which is more aligned with international best practices.

Picture of the launch event, with (from left to right) Inmetro's President, Marcos Heleno, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Brazilian Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes..
Representatives of the Brazilian government and the private sector at the presentation of the revised regulatory model. © GPQI-GIZ

On 25 February 2022, Inmetro launched its modernised regulatory model during a hybrid ceremony in Brasilia. The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, the Brazilian Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, as well as representatives from the industry and the private sector participated in the event.


The regulatory model serves as a guideline for regulating products under Inmetro’s competence, such as toys and electrical equipment. Initiated in 2020, the process for elaboration of the model took 15 months. The productive sector actively contributed to the process. Among the principles guiding its elaboration, the regulatory model incorporates points from the Economic Freedom Act (Law 13.874/2019), such as the simplification of regulations and the State’s role as an economic regulator.


The regulatory model is aligned with international best practices

The modernised regulatory model brings improvements for the Brazilian quality infrastructure (QI): It focuses on the self-declaration of suppliers and producers as well as on the acceptance of international tests. In addition, it highlights the voluntary aspect of standards in regulations. Risk management is made a key element in the elaboration of general directives and sectorial regulation.


With a clearer regulatory role of Inmetro, more space for innovation, and less restrictions concerning new productive processes, the model is in line with the effort of reindustrialisation in Brazil. Overall, the model seeks to reduce bureaucracy in the product quality assurance process.


This new regulatory framework results from Inmetro’s modernisation effort. It represents an important step towards the compatibility of the Brazilian QI framework with international best practices.


GPQI supports Inmetro in development processes

During this modernisation process, the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI) has been supporting Inmetro. Within the German-Brazilian Working Group on Quality Infrastructure, it promoted technical developments, prepared studies and conducted technical exchanges between German and Brazilian experts. Key discussion topics within the working group included risk assessment methodologies, market surveillance, conformity assessment and the importance of international standards for product safety.


To watch the full ceremony of the regulatory model’s launch, go to Inmetro’s YouTube channel.


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