Indonesia attends global conference on the impact of standards


The Indonesian National Standardization Agency (Badan Standardisasi Nasional – BSN) participated in the conference “From Global to Local: Joining Forces to Help Global Standards Create Local Impact”. Experts from national standardisation bodies discussed the local impact of internationally harmonised standards.

People sitting in audience, watching a presentation
The participation of national standardisation bodies in global conferences is essential for the harmonisation of quality infrastructures. © Luis Quintero/Pexels

On 11 October 2021, Kukuh S. Achmad, Chairman of BSN, participated in the high-level online event. It was organised by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Austrian Standards International (ASI) in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Vienna Agreement. The Vienna Agreement as a cooperation between ISO and CEN has ensured the adaptation and implementation of international standards in Europe.


The conference explored the strategic importance of aligning regional standardisation with the international context. It provided a forum to present and discuss the various cooperation models and perspectives around the world.


The worldwide benefits of the Vienna Agreement – Joining forces to create local impact

In the spotlight interview session “International Standardization Experts’ Best Practices”, Kukuh was one of the speakers. He highlighted that the Vienna agreement has helped to avoid the duplication of standards.


Kukuh emphasised that the Vienna Agreement is important for national standards bodies when they have adopted ISO standards. Through the Vienna Agreement, ISO standards also apply to the European market. BSN can thus assist Indonesian companies wishing to export to the European Union in complying with the applicable standards.


He stated that BSN has imposed 13,699 Indonesian national standards (SNIs). Out of these, 2,216 were adopted from international standards created by ISO and 728 from standards by IEC. 258 SNIs have been set as mandatory by relevant ministries/agencies. Out of these mandatory SNIs, 88 originate from ISO standards.


Indonesia is committed to harmonise standards within Southeast Asia

BSN represents the country in global and regional forums for standardisation and accreditation. These include the ASEAN Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) for Southeast Asian nations.


As a member of the ACCSQ, Indonesia is committed to developing harmonised standards and procedures for conformity assessment and technical regulations within the region. This contributes to the economic development for the ASEAN Economic Community.


Many international standards have been identified for regional harmonisation by the ACCSQ: 12 ISO/IEC standards on medical devices, 68 ISO standards on rubber-based products, 57 ISO standards on wood-based products, and 21 ISO/IEC standards on conformity assessment.


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