Indonesia accelerates e-mobility ecosystem in G20 Presidency


Electromobility powered by renewable energy is an important element of a green economy. Indonesia has taken major steps in this direction and plans on accelerating the electromobility ecosystem during its G20 Presidency. Given the global trend towards electromobility, it is imperative for countries to jointly build a supporting ecosystem using international standards.

During Indonesia’s G20 Presidency, one priority issue is the sustainable energy transition. © G20 Indonesia

Sustainable energy transition is one of the priority issues of Indonesia's G20 Presidency in 2022 – alongside the digital transformation and building a global health architecture. The transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy in the transportation sector is crucial to support Indonesia’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 29 per cent by 2030. The country’s long-term goal is to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2060.


The regulatory framework of the energy transition

In recent years, Indonesia has made significant progress in this transition. The first fundamental milestone was the signing of the Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2019 on the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program for Road Transportation by President Joko Widodo on 8 August 2019. Since then, further progressive policies and regulatory frameworks have been developed. A comprehensive factsheet focusing on the automotive sector including e-mobility in Indonesia informs about the main regulations and developments.


To support these developments, the Indonesian National Standardization Agency (BSN) has issued 34 Indonesian National Standards (SNI) related to the safety of electric vehicles (EVs). As renewable energy is an integral part of the electromobility ecosystem, BSN also issued 71 SNIs on renewable energy sources (solar, geothermal, wind, biofuel and nuclear energy sources) – such as the standard SNI ISO 50001 on an Energy Management System.


A special momentum for Indonesia’s electromobility sector

Indonesia’s ambition and ongoing efforts to accelerate the development of electromobility support the priority issue of sustainable energy transition in the G20 Presidency 2022.


The presidency is a great momentum for Indonesia to display its commitment to energy transition. The series of events and meetings in the G20 Energy Transition Forum is expected to boost the political dialogue and lead to a global agreement among the G20 members. The forum will mainly focus on the technology and financing of the energy transition.


Indonesia’s G20 Presidency is also an opportunity for BSN to address standardisation topics – for example in the second International Standards Summit. It will be held in October before the scheduled G20 Summit on 15-16 November 2022. To specifically draw attention to standardisation in electromobility, BSN plans to gather relevant stakeholders at the 2nd Indonesia E-Vehicle Expo. It takes place on 15-18 July 2022 in Yogyakarta.


International standards for a global electromobility ecosystem

Electromobility needs a supporting infrastructure such as charging stations. To build a global supporting ecosystem, it is important to make use of and develop international standards. This way, products are internationally compatible and can easily be integrated into global value and supply chains.


While Indonesia has been fostering EV production, national regulations and incentives to encourage the public to convert to electromobility, there are still some gaps that need to be filled. Consumers must be convinced that the electric vehicles offered on the market and their infrastructure are reliable, affordable and safe. Standards ensure their quality and safety. This is why international standardisation is one of the most important components of a successful transition to electromobility.


The GPQI team in Indonesia aims to play a supporting role in encouraging Indonesia to adopt international standards and further promote electromobility. If you have any questions regarding our work, please do not hesitate to reach us at


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