Germany and Indonesia cooperate in metrology


Metrology has been one of the focus areas of the cooperation between Germany and Indonesia in the field of quality infrastructure (QI). Therefore, metrology is part of the Work Plan of the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI). Both countries have been cooperating in metrology for more than a decade.

Pressure Manometer  © DoroO / iStock Photo
Pressure Manometer © DoroO / iStock Photo

A strong relationship between BSN and PTB

The relationship between the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (Badan Standardisasi Nasional - BSN) and the National Metrology Institute of Germany (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt - PTB) in metrology can be traced back to 2010. Since then, their cooperation has become stronger and broader.


In recent years, for example, BSN and PTB have been intensifying their collaboration through some of the following projects:

- Quality Assurance in Environmental and Food Analysis in Indonesia (2010 – 2014)

- Quality Assurance in Environmental and Food Analysis in Indonesia II (2017 – 2020)

- Strengthening Quality Infrastructure for the Energy Sector (2016 – 2020)


Earlier this year, a new BSN-PTB project entitled “Strengthening Quality Infrastructure Services for Climate and Environmental Monitoring in Indonesia” also entered the implementation phase. As part of a 3-year plan, this project will monitor the climate and environmental impacts of resource use. It aims to support industries, policymakers, as well as testing and calibration laboratories in tackling environmental and climate issues through reliable measurements. The scope of the project is not only limited to metrology. It also encompasses the whole quality infrastructure system, including standardisation, conformity assessment, and accreditation.


The role of metrology in climate crisis

Climate change is one of the most concerning issues of the 21st century. To understand its complexity and to be able to address it, a comprehensive analysis is needed. In that regard, metrology plays an important role.


Apart from removing technical barriers to trade, metrology provides parameters for addressing climate issues - by providing accurate, reliable and globally comparable measurement. This helps industries, policymakers, scientists and organisations. It will ensure fair trade, consumer protection, as well as health and safety for people and the environment.


Learn more about the German-Indonesian Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure here.


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