Drive Forward Together: Indo-German Cooperation in the Automotive Sector


The event ‘Drive Forward Together’ was organised on 17 June 2019 in New Delhi by GIZ – the German Agency for International Cooperation – in collaboration with the German Embassy and the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). The event witnessed participation from around 80 government and industry representatives, who discussed the road ahead for Indo-German cooperation in the automotive sector.

German Ambassador Mr Lindner, Secretary Mr Srivastava, and Deputy Director General Dr. Bajaj (left to right)

The event ‘Drive Forward Together’ was organised on 17 June 2019 in New Delhi by GIZ – the German Agency for International Cooperation – in collaboration with the German Embassy and the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). The event witnessed participation from around 80 government and industry representatives, who discussed the road ahead for Indo-German cooperation in the automotive sector.


A study, titled "Automotive and Component Trade with India – Insights on standards, homologation and imports" was launched at the event. The study provides an overview of the regulatory landscape of the automotive sector in India and describes how automotive regulations and standards for emissions and safety are developed. Based on industry interviews, it points out the regulatory concerns especially of German automotive companies along with India-specific requirements. The study was conducted by GIZ in collaboration with VDA within the framework of the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs.


Mr Walter J. Lindner, the German Ambassador to India, highlighted the great opportunities India provides for German car and component manufacturers. He stated: “The Indian market is growing rapidly. It has overtaken Germany in terms of vehicle sales for the first time, last year. Germany wants stronger trade to and from India. It’s great that the two countries discuss harmonisation of standards and regulations because it saves time and costs in bilateral trade. The new publication provides important perspectives on technical and regulatory aspects in the automotive sector. It will make India’s traffic cleaner, safer and increase trade.”

Mr Singh (GPQI, GIZ), Mr Naqschbandi (GIZ), German Ambassador Mr Lindner, Secretary Mr Srivastava, and Deputy Director General Dr. Bajaj (left to right)


Mr Avinash K. Srivastava, Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs, Indian Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, underlined the important role of standards for making mobility in India safer, cleaner, more efficient and convenient. He stated: “Standards are an important enabler, for example on the road towards electric mobility. The ongoing exchange between India and Germany on standards and technical regulations in the automotive sector has the potential to boost India’s exports to European markets. It also stimulates local manufacturing and contributes to initiatives such as ’Make in India’.”


India and Germany cooperate within the Indo-German Working Group on Quality Infrastructure, between the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Indian Ministry for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution. The Working Group has the goal to reduce technical barriers to trade and strengthen product safety through political and technical dialogue of relevant ministries and regulators. As part of the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI), GIZ has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy to support the Working Group in India and ensure that industry-related concerns are taken up within the political dialogue.


This article was also released on the website of the German Embassy in New Delhi.

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