BMWi visits Brazil for discussions on the cooperation in the Brazilian-German Working Group

Between 15-18th of April 2019, Mr. Boris Böhme, Division Director for Market Surveillance and Product Safety at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) visited Brasilia to meet with Ms. Carvalho, Vice Director of the Secretariat for Industrial Development, Trade, Services and Innovation, and Mr. Dalcolmo, Director for Labor, of the Brasilian Ministry for Economic Affairs to discuss the next steps for the Brazilian-German Working Group on Quality Infrastructure.
Both sides agreed to align a work plan until September 2019 for the next annual meeting during the German-Brazilian Economic Forum (DBWT / EEBA) in Natal, Brazil and seek to formalize the cooperation by signing a Joint Declaration of Intent at this occasion.
In Rio de Janeiro, Mr Böhme met with INMETRO to discuss a deepening of the cooperation in the bilateral working group on series of topics, such as security of devices in the internet of Things (IoT), experience exchange on the implementation of New Legislative Framework (NLF), especially market surveillance, by the member states.
In individual meetings with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) and the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI), the involvement of both agencies was agreed to foster the involvement of the Brazilian private sector in the cooperation and create synergies with other ongoing projects of Apex-Brasil and ABDI.
The annual meeting of the Brazilian-German Working Group on Quality Infrastructure is scheduled for Monday, 16th September in the framework of the DBWT. The preparatory meeting for the German stakeholders will take place on June 18th in Berlin.