BMWi and BNetzA participate in the Federal Regulators Forum of the Brazilian Ministry of Economy


The Federal Regulators Forum promoted good regulatory practices in the context of an ambitious regulatory revision endorsed by the Brazilian government.

On 3 March 2021, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) participated virtually in the 3rd Federal Regulators Forum by virtue of an invitation from the Brazilian Ministry of Economy (ME).


The event was hosted by the Secretariat of Competition and Competitiveness Advocacy - SEAE/ME. Experts shared and promoted good regulatory practices, along with successful experiences and the dissemination of results already achieved by Brazilian regulation bodies.


BMWi and BNetzA added a European perspective to the event. They bestowed considerations on Risk Assessment, including different methodologies in the fields of regulations and Market Surveillance.


The Forum also featured presentations from the Brazilian Institute of Studies on Competition, Consumption and International Trade (IBRAC), the Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) and the Secretariat of Foreign Trade (SECEX/ME).



Video statements by Joachim Geiß, ICT Technical Regulation and Standardization, Product Safety, Market Surveillance, Federal Ministry for Economy Affairs and Energy; Jörg Kannegießer and Ludger Meinders, Bundesnetzagentur (in German).


The full recording of the 3rd Federal Regulators Forum can be found at the Brazilian Ministry of Economy website.


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