Virtual Discussion Forum on the new Mexican Quality Infrastructure Law



The Virtual Discussion Forum on the new Quality Infrastructure Law in Mexico is taking place on September 23, from 11:00 to 13:00 (Mexican time, UTC -5) / 18:00 to 20:00 (German time, UTC +2)



At this forum you will learn everything about the latest changes that came along with the new QI law. The QI law came into force on 30 August 2020.


Together with the Mexican Ministry of Economy, the umbrella organisation of the Mexican Chambers of Industry (CONCAMIN), the Mexican Metrology Institute (CENAM) and the Mexican Council for Standardisation and Conformity Assessment (COMENOR), we will discuss the changes from the point of view of the different institutions. Furthermore, we will also offer space for questions to the experts. Please note that this forum will be held in Spanish.


For more details about the event please find the agenda (in Spanish) below the image.


As there is a limited number of participants, please register below, before Monday 21 September 2020.

Virtual Discussion Forum on the new Mexican Quality Infrastructure Law

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