4th Annual Meeting of the German-Mexican Working Group Quality Infrastructure

2021-11-16, 08:30–10:30

Mexico City / Online, 08:30 [MEX] / 15:30 [GER]

On Tuesday, 16 November 2021, from 08:30 to 10:30 [Mexico City time] / 15:30 to 17:30 [Berlin time], the Annual Meeting of the German-Mexican Working Group Quality Infrastructure will take place in a hybrid format. Chaired by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Mexican Ministry of Economy (SE), the meeting is set within the framework of the German-Mexican Dialogue on Quality Infrastructure. Experts from German and Mexican Industries, as well as representatives from QI institutions, will meet in order to define and agree upon the Work Plan 2022 that will shape the cooperation on Quality Infrastructure for the next year.

Further details and the agenda will be shared with the registered participants before the date of the event.

Please make sure to register below, until 15 November 2021, indicating whether you would like to participate on-site or virtually by marking the corresponding check box.

The venue will be the Mexican Ministry of Economy in Mexico City.

We ask for your understanding that the number of places on site is limited and that we will reserve the places upon receipt of your registration.


For any questions please contact GPQI Mexico.


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