Making Safe Machines a Standard in India


We all benefit from safe machines. Machines that conform to relevant safety requirements protect workers and the environment. Safe machines also contribute to efficient production processes and thus are a key pillar of a robust economy.


A working culture that acknowledges the importance of machinery safety requires comprehensive regulations substantiated through high standards and elaborated conformity assessment procedures.


The Indo-German Working Group on Quality Infrastructure has been a very conducive forum to discuss the significance of machinery safety. German and Indian regulators and industry experts have not only exchanged information to understand each other’s approaches. They also shared experiences on how to develop new and existing regulations and standards related to functional and electrical safety while drawing on good practices from Germany.


This publication is the result outcome of the many constructive fruitful exchanges in the Working Group. It provides an overview of the regulatory framework in India with regards to machinery safety, and challenges faced by the industry. It also compares machinery regulations in India with those in the European Union.

