Alignment Report for Reference Architectural Model for Industrie 4.0 / Intelligent Manufacturing System Architecture


In May 2015, China and Germany jointly set up the Sub-Working Group Intelligent Manufacturing / Industrie 4.0 of the Sino-German Standardisation Cooperation Commission (Working Group). Later in December 2015, the first Working Group conference was held in Shanghai and a constructive suggestion of mutually recognizing the Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI4.0) and China Intelligent Manufacturing System Architecture (IMSA) was proposed and confirmed. In May 2016, the second conference was held in Leipzig, Germany and experts from China and Germany deeply discussed the way to mutually recognize the RAMI4.0 and IMSA. In November 2016, the third conference was held in Berlin, a consensus on Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing / Industrie 4.0 System Architecture was achieved and an alignment result was initially shaped.


