INMETRO publishes new regulatory model proposal


On 10th of July, Brazil’s National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) has published a proposal for a new regulatory model jointly with an open call for comments and expertise.

On 10th of July, Brazil’s National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) has published a proposal for a new regulatory model jointly with an open call for comments and expertise.


The proposal evaluates the current regulatory model’s performance and identifies key areas for a potential reform. The objectives of the reform are to improve regulatory performance, reduce administrative effort, stimulate innovation and competitiveness of the productive sector and better align the Brazilian regulation with international best practices.


The proposed new model focuses on three key areas: 1) A normative framework based on general rules and basic requirements extending coverage of the legal scope and reducing prescriptive rules; 2) solutions for current regulatory problems with enhanced focus on general regulatory activities; 3) higher degree of compliance via increased accountability of regulated agents.


Brazil and Germany cooperate within the Brazilian-German Working Group on Quality Infrastructure, in the areas of standards, technical regulations, conformity assessment, accreditation, and market surveillance. Within this scope, a dialogue between relevant public actors have already started to address several topics related to the reform.


An English Factsheet with further information on the proposal will be available on this website soon. Meanwhile, more discussions and knowledge exchange about the proposed reform will take place within the scope of the annual meeting of the Brazilian-German Working group on Quality Infrastructure in September, organised by the Global Project Quality Infrastructure (GPQI). It takes place on Monday, 16th September in Natal.

