India and Germany discuss Cooperation on Grid Standards
A technical exchange on grid standards for operation between India's Central Electricity Authority (CEA) and the German Forum Network Technology and Network Operation in VDE (VDE FNN) took place in Delhi on 21 February.
Representatives from CEA and Reinhausen Group
A technical exchange on grid standards for operation between India's Central Electricity Authority (CEA) and the German Forum Network Technology and Network Operation in VDE (VDE FNN) took place in Delhi on 21 February. VDE is one of the largest technical and scientific associations in Europe.
The Indian side provided an overview of the current regulations, including the technical standards for connectivity to the grid which were notified in February 2007. Also the amendments made in February 2019 which introduced technical standards for integrating renewables (solar and wind) at the grid were discussed. The process of stakeholder consultation that takes place before coming out with new technical regulations was explained too. Representatives from VDE FNN and VDE Renewables who joined the exchange through video conference presented the system of technical regulation and grid compliance in Germany and provided insights on the process of system and unit certification. Dr Uwe Kaltenborn from Reinhausen Group explained how VDE FNN involves stakeholders in its work and answered technical questions on the connection rules in Germany and how they are applied by the industry.
CEA and VDE FNN agreed to strengthen their cooperation on regulations and standards for grid operations within the framework of the Indo-German Working Group on Quality Infrastructure. Both sides are keen to continue the information exchange on the further development of connectivity rules and related conformity assessment topics.
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